Native Screening Plants
Some suggestions for the Canberra region. Availability is seasonal!

LOW (Under 1m)
Acacia ‘Limelight’, ‘Mini Cog’ and ‘Winter Flame’ (all approx 1 x 1m)
Callistemon short forms - ‘Matthew Flinders’ (75 x 80 cm), ‘Little John’ (1 x1m)
Correa - short types eg: ‘Winter Glow’ (1 x 1m), ‘Canberra Bells’ (1 x 1m)
Grevillea ‘Pink Pixie’ (1 x 1m), ‘Scarlet Sprite’ (1 x 1m)
Leptospermum ‘Fore Shore’ (0.5 x 1m)
Philotheca ‘Flower Girl’ (1 x 1m), ‘Profusion’ (1 x 1m), ‘Ruby Cascade’ (0.6 x 1m)
Westringia - ‘Aussie Box’ (80 x 80cm), ‘Zena’ (90 x 90cms), ‘Grey Box’ (45 x 45cms), ‘Deep Purple’ (1 x1m)

MEDIUM (Up to 2m)
Acacia pravissima ‘Nana’ (1.5 x 1.5m), ‘Honey Bun’ (1.5 x 1.5m)
Callistemon ‘Captain Cook’ (1.75 x 1.75m), ‘Macarthur’ (1.8 x 1.5m)
Correa - medium types eg: Correa alba, Correa bauerlenii ‘Chef’s Hat’, Correa glabra forms like ‘Pink’, ‘Ivory Beacon’
(all approx 1.5-2 x 1.5-2m)
Dodonaea ‘Mr Green Sheen’ (2 x 2m)
Grevillea ‘Nancy Otzen’ (1.5 x 1.5m), ‘Rosy Posy’ (1.2 x 1.2m)
Leionema ‘Green Screen’ (2 x 2m)
Philotheca ‘Winter Rouge’ (1.5 x 1m)
Westringia 'Wynyabbie Gem’, ‘Blue Gem’, fruticosa, glabra (all approx 1.5 x 1.5m)

TALL (Above 2m)
Acacia - tall bushy types eg: boormanii (4 x 3m), cognata ‘Green Screen’ (4 x 3m), covenyi ‘Blue Bush’ (4-5 x 3-4m)
Banksia ‘Sentinel’ (2-3 x 1.5m)
Callistemon - ‘Slim’ (3 x 1.5m), ‘Mary McKillop’ (2.5 x 2m), ‘Endeavour’ (3 x 3m), ‘Western Glory’ (4 x 3m), ‘Kings Park
Special’ (4 x 2-3m), ‘Hot Pink’ (2 x 2m)
Grevillea - ‘Lady O’ (1.5 x 2m), ‘Red Hooks’ (3 x 4m), ‘Big Red’ (3.5 x 3.5m), ‘Murray Valley Queen’ (2-3 x 2-3m)
Hakea salicifolia (3 m+)
Leptospermum ‘Burgundy’, ‘Copper Tips’ (both approx 3 x 2 m)
Melaleuca - ‘Revolution Green’ (4 x 2m), ’Sea Foam’ (2-3 x 2m)