Frequently Asked Questions
If the question that you are looking for is not listed, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Phone 0448 007 207
Yes, we deliver within the Local Canberra region, as far as Braidwood, Captains Flat, Gunning, Michelago, Murrumbateman & Yass.
We DO NO SEND anything by post or courier.
Please come in-store to find out what plants are in season. We currently are experiencing high volumes of customer enquires. Our friendly staff are ready to help, advise and guide you. Browse our website for information on what plants and products are stocked throughout the year.
Change of mind – within 5 days of purchase and returned in the same condition/packaging as at the time bought. A receipt must be provided and an in-store credit note will be issued. Artificial plants and flowers are excluded from this, however, this will be at the discretion of management.
Any goods that are faulty or have a major problem we will repair, refund or exchange in accordance with Australian consumer law.
Our motto at Heritage Nursery is “Quality Without Compromise”. You can purchase our plants with confidence. Should you have an issue with plant quality within 6 months of purchase, following basic maintenance and watering, please talk with us.
*Heritage Nursery can update these policies at any time and will do so in the best interests of the customer and in accordance with all current consumer law.
There is an organically registered, tried and tested product called Caterpillar Killer (DiPel® Biological Insecticide spray), which is a great biological control and works strictly on caterpillars. Mix and spray on the leaves (both sides) and within days, all those little grubs will be dead. Treatment needs to be repeated if it rains. When watering, simply water below the leaves to prevent it washing off. Another helpful hint is to look at the undersides of the leaves often... those tiny yellow bits you may see attached to the leaf, are actually the little caterpillar eggs.. simply wipe them off and no caterpillars will hatch.

These grubs are codling moth larvae. None of us want to use harsh pesticides that harm beneficial insects or the environment. We carry a wide range of natural/biological controls. Safe sprays, and physical traps and barriers to successfully control these pests. We've got Codling Moth pheromone lures and houses to place them in. Use in conjunction with Success Ultra which is derived from beneficial soil bacteria! Come down and talk to us. We can give you all the best advice to help you harvest clean and healthy fruit.
During the winter months when your roses are dormant, it is a good idea to spray with Lime Sulphur before the new growth starts to appear. Following this, Healthy Earth Plant Spray will help protect your bushes against fungal and insect attacks. It is also very important to keep the leaves of your roses dry overnight, to stop the fungus taking hold - so keep any watering away from the leaves, and avoid watering late in the afternoon/evening.
Eco-Fungicide will help you keep on top of Black Spot, Powdery Mildew and Rust. It is a great contact spray and registered as Australian Organic too. It kills the fungus in the leaves, plus the spores. We also have traditional Rose Sprays such as Sharp Shooter Rose Black Spot and Insect Spray or Triforine.

The colour of Hydrangeas (except white ones) is influenced by the soil pH. If you have a very alkaline soil your Hydrangea flowers will tend to be pink. If acid, they will be blue. If you would like to maintain a strong blue colour you need to use Hydrangea Blueing Tonic by watering can approx. every 2-3 weeks in winter. This will also help keep your Hydrangeas in a healthy condition. Applying Garden Lime or Dolomite will strengthen the pink colour.

Site preparation is most important before you plant anything ! We recommend Healthy Earth Soil Builder Instant Clay Breaker (twice as strong as gypsum) applied at the rate of 1/2 kg per sq. metre. Planting Compost should also be added to the soil (1 : 3 ratio) and thoroughly dug in with the Soil Builder to a minimum depth of 30 cm. This will ensure your new plants get a great start in life! Pleas look at our Planting Guides - 'Planting your new tree' and 'Planting a Hedge'.
We have lots of customers with the same well as not wanting to put out pallets because of their children.
Eradicate Eco Snail & Slug Bait. Its non-toxic to dogs, cats, birds and lizards (...and children in small quantities). It's Australian made and Certified organic. Copper Tape which is perfect to wrap around pots and containers. Snail & Slug Traps are great too - simply add beer. These are all chemical free, effective and easy to use.

If we have a wet spring, your peach or nectarine trees (either fruit or ornamental) could fall victim to Leaf Curl. This common fungal disease over-winters in crevices in the bark of your tree and around the new emerging buds. The disease will affect the leaves (unsightly blisters) as well as the soft new shoots and even the fruit. We recommend using Kocide® Blue Xtra Copper Fungicide. Spray mid winter, spring when the flower buds are 'fuzzy', when 90% flowers have opened, and lastly when 90% of the petals have fallen.

Herbaceous Paeonies die right back to the ground each winter, going completely dormant, and produce totally new growth each spring. Tree Paeonies actually have a woody trunk that remains standing all through the year. Tree Paeonies hang onto their leaves through autumn, turning attractive colours before they fall. Itoh Paeonies are hybrids of the first two types - fairly new introductions, they offer a stunning range of flower size and colour.
All have stunning flowers. Herbaceous Peonies are in shades of pinks, including two-tones, as well as lovely cream/white and flowers during October/November. Tree Paeonies have more colour variety including yellows, plums (nearly black), oranges and apricots and flower September/October. Itoh Paeonies offer a mix of the two and flower along with the Herbaceous types. All come in single and double forms.
They all thrive in humus rich, friable, organic soil, and will perform at their best with generous yearly applications of garden lime or dolomite and complete fertiliser. This really is important! They enjoy lots of sun, minimum of 6 hours/day.
Winter is a great time to plant dormant Paeonies...or choose from the huge range of potted plants in spring. So be sure to drop into the nursery and choose from the BEST selection in Canberra!
This is probably one of the questions we are asked most often.
Hopefully, all your established roses will have been pruned in August and are well and truly bursting out with shiny, healthy new growth by now... which means... it's time to start fertilising! Here in the Heritage Nursery, we stock 'Sudden Impact' fertiliser which is specifically formulated for roses, will guarantee strong growth and an abundance of blooms. From spring until autumn, feed every month. An easy way to remember is feed every month which has an 'R' in its name...from SeptembeR to ApRil.
True 'Healthy Earth' fertiliser, which you can use alongside your rose fertiliser... alternating between the two. Healthy Earth is a great all around choice for the WHOLE garden (natives plants too) and contains more than 40 minerals, nutrients and trace elements, encouraging earthworm population in your soil.
Yes. While in general, native plants are pretty low maintenance, fertilising can boost active growth and general health of the plant. Some natives are sensitive to many fertilisers due to the high Phosphorus levels they contain. Here at the Heritage Nursery we recommend using a specific fertiliser called 'Bush Tucker'.
It is essential to use a Native Plant Fertiliser (low in phosphorous) for all Banksias, Grevilleas, Hakeas, Leucadendrons, Proteas (and other South African native plants) and Waratahs. All other Native Plants will benefit from a complete Garden Fertiliser such as Healthy Earth Fertiliser.
Remember... as well as fertilising, pruning and drainage are equally important when tending to your Aussie plants. We are here to advise on all your native plant needs whenever you visit the nursery.
- Heritage Nursery Yarralumla
Robert Boden Grv, Yarralumla ACT 2600 - Phone number
0448 007 207 - Email
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