Growing Blueberries in Canberra

These health bombs are loaded with antioxidants… fresh and full of flavour; easy to grow in the garden, pots or planter boxes and very productive. Blueberries are deciduous shrubs growing between 1 and 2m tall and wide. 

What do i need?

- Minimum half a day of full sun.

- Very organic and well prepared acidic soil or potting mix.

- Two or more plants of different varieties to ensure great pollination and good crops.

How do i grow Blueberries? 

Prepare the soil by digging in plenty of Healthy Earth Instant Claybreaker, Planting Compost, Peat Moss and Manutec Sulphur.

Blueberries need an acidic soil with a pH of 4.5-5.5 (just like Azaleas and Rhododendrons). You will probably need to add approx. 300g per m of Sulphur – thoroughly dug in. Test the soil with a home pH Test Kit until you achieve the desired acidity. Thereafter reapply Sulfur every Autumn.

If you are growing in pots, use large ones approx. 40-50cm tall and wide. Plant into Azalea and Camellia Potting Mix and feed with Healthy Earth Fertiliser 3 times a year – Spring, Summer and Autumn. Add 100g/m2 Sulphur each Autumn to maintain the required soil acidity.

Plant year round.

Mulch heavily with Sugar Cane or Pea Straw and water once or twice a week – keep moist, not waterlogged.

Flowers and leaves appear in Spring while the berries ripen from December through mid-February. The older the bush the longer you harvest. Don’t forget the bird netting! Blueberries don't have any pest and disease problems other than hungry birds!


The following varieties are all excellent, tried and true, reliable performers. It’s worth having one of each for an extended harvest and large crops.

BLUE ROSE: 1x1m with prolific crops of very large, tasty berries from late December to late January.

BRIGITTA: 1-2m tall x 1m wide. Heavy crops of large, sweet berries during December and January.

DENISE: Vigorous grower to 1.5m. Very large flavoursome berries. Big crops December and January.

NORTHLAND: Strong grower 1-1.5m tall. A very long harvest mid-December to mid-March on mature bushes. Medium sized berries with a delicious “wild berry” flavour.

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