Moving towards a sustainable future

Landtasia Organic Compost
A single gram of Landtasia organic compost contains hundreds of thousands of beneficial soil microbes.

Landtasia Organic Compost helps you grow grandma worthy flowers, award winning garlic and brag worthy tomatoes by:

Improving soil and plant health

Boosting beneficial soil microbe numbers

Encouraging healthy plants that are better able to fight off disease

Improving water holding capacity

Providing immediate AND slow release nutrients to your plants
Landtasia in Partnership with Capital Brewing Co.
Landtasia works with Capital Brewing Co. in Canberra to divert 450 tonnes of brewing by-product into the production of organic beef and compost annually. Most of the compost being made with the brewery by-products is being used to grow high nutrient organic vegetables in the Canberra district by farmers such as Prana Produce near Braidwood.
Healthy Earth
Healthy Earth garden products are ecologically safe, sustainable and very importantly they are environentally safe around family and pets. You can use them on ornamental as well as fruit and vegetable gardens. Healthy Earth Fertilisers are made for the food chain. This means it makes your vegetables and fruits more tastful and very importantly much more nutritious.

Soil Health Builder
also Instant Claybreaker
- A concentrated calcium for ground application in powdered form. Twice as strong as gypsum!
- Fertilises, sweetens and improves soil structure all at the same time.

Soil Health Conditioner
also Instant Claybreaker
- Organic seaweed, 5% Calcium, 1.5% Magnesium + Boron
- Suits all plants, veggies, fruit frees, roses and lawns love this!
- Automatically breaks clay and softens soil with safe Calcium.

The Ultimate 'Soil Wetter'
- Works instantly!
- Excellent for hard patches in lawns, water resistant pot mixes, roses, garden beds, fruit trees, steep banks so water absorbs in not runs off.
- The added nitrogen and trace elements help stimulate root growth and better plant health.

General Purpose Fertiliser
5kg/12kg/20kg Bags
- Suits all plants.
- Safe for food growing.
- Easy to apply powder form.
- No strong odours - only one handful per sq mtr.
- Biodynamic activator - creating soil health.

Lawn Fertiliser
Premium Granulated Concentrated
- Designed to suit all lawns types. With added Volcanic Rock Dust and other minerals.
- Fast acting, nutrients break up heavy soil.
- Used along side our Volcanic Rock Dust and Soil wetter can provide out of this world results and have your lawn the envy of your neighbours.

Liquid NPK Fertiliser
- Organic seaweed, soil wetter, trace elements.
- Concentrated 1 litre makes 100 ltrs.
- Suits all plants.
- Automatically balances soil and pot mix with regular use.
- Works in 2 days.
- Promotes flowers and fruits.

Plant Spray
Foliage Protectant & Fertiliser
- Safe for bees and food growing.
- Protects the plant with an organic oil coating.
- Stimulates flowers and fruits.
- Fast acting foliar food with NPK and Trace Elements.
- Safe for spraying on plants or crops affected with: mildew, scale, spider mites, lace bug, sooty mould, white fly, trace element deficiences, cabbage moth, aphids, etc.

Volcanic Dust
Trace Elements
- Great for soil health by mineralising soils with natural trace elements.
- Helps soften soil.
- Helps give fruits and veggies better taste ad nutrition.
- Good for composting and worms.
- Helps healthy microbes grow.
Try our pocket-sized plant-based power-ups drinks
Made with cold-pressed juice, and less sugar
Organic, clean-label, and dairy-free drinks