Debco Organic Mix is an organic* certified premium input for organic* gardens. The premium quality additives provide essential nutrients, trace elements and minerals in a safe and readily available form to encourage beneficial micro-organisms and build stronger healthier plants.
Ideal for a wide range of organic* vegetables, herbs, salad greens and strawberries.
*Allowable input for use in organic gardening.
- Organic* Fertiliser - Distributes nutrients as plants need it, up to 3 months
- Seaweed Fertiliser - Promotes biological activity in the soil
- Blood and Bone Fertiliser - Rich source or organic* nutrients
- Organic* Carbon - Promotes biological activity in the soil
- Calcium - Supports nutrient uptake and stronger plant cells
- Materials used in the production of Debco potting mixes are sourced from renewable and sustainable resources where possible
- Debco guarantees the results of Organic Mix, which is perfect for growing organic vegetables, herbs, salad greens and strawberries