HABIT: | Osteospermums are a mounding shrub that produce masses of daisy like flowers for most of the year. They remain compact and are great in almost all garden beds, pots and even do great in hanging baskets. |
POSITION: | They prefer to be planted and flower best in full sun, however part shade is fine and can be of benefit during long hot periods. |
FLOWERING: | They will flower most all year with main flushes in Spring and Autumn. They respond well to dead heading which promotes new flowers to be produced. The Elite range has a wide range of colours and many flowers have several colour tones on the one plant. Flowers can be singles, doubles and ‘spoon’ petals! |
USES: | Plant them wherever you need long term colour with not much looking after. Very drought tolerant once established, EliteOsteospermums are ideal for borders or general planting in garden beds. Osteospermum have long been used in commercial landscaping for their hardiness and long flowering ability. They make a wonderful addition to patio pots and look stunning in mixed hanging baskets. |
CARE: | Use hedge shears to prune to shape occasionally, not during hot weather though. They will perform better with average garden watering and a fertilize every season with an all-purpose organic fertilizer. Do not over water, they will flower more constantly with even watering and the occasional dead heading. |